The Night And The Stars
Across feilds and plains
Two warriors flew
To meet each other
In a world made anew
What they would find
Neither knew
For tides are unyielding
And merciless too
One’s armor was black
Sleek as night
The other’s white
With dazzling light
Both shown with blood
Swords at their sides
They fought their way across
This merciless tide
But the tide swept strong
And red filled the air
Of armor of night
And dazzling wear
Flowers of thorns
And bloodied petals
Used their vines
To mercily mettle
They carried the night
And dazzaling stars
To a barren field
Where they their own could win
So the night and the stars
Reunited at last
To grasp each other
Together in the grass
They cried to each other
And their tears soaked the ground
As the night and the stars
Retuned to the sky
Yet on this field
Barren with blood
Sprung flowers of many
And many to come