‘Still today, the song of the birds can be heard outside the window'
Write a poem that concludes with this line. What topics and themes might be explored in a poem with this ending?
The birds
The birds outside my window sing songs
The most beautiful ones to hear
But they never decided to last long
And soon we were brought back to fear
The songs drowned out the screams
If there’s anywhere you will find me
It is begging them to come for me in my dreams
As i grew older the birds kept singing
Though it became hard to hear
My ears never stopped ringing
But the birds kept on breathing
A plague came over the earth
and poisoned it for its worth
The few who lived
lived in fear
but then they realized what they could hear
No matter the death
no matter the pain
no matter the struggle
Still today, the song of the birds can still be heard outside my window
And they soothed those who couldn’t sooth themselves.