Write a poem using multiple rhetorical questions, where the narrator is questioning their own judgement or viewpoint.
You could use the questions to make the reader think, or to show how doubtful the narrator is of their own stance.
Love These Days
I sat next to you
a year ago
on the loud and crowded bus, your friends horsing around
behind us.
We shared laughter but never
words and yet
I was happy.
Did you feel it too?
I passed you in the hall months
ago on our way
to class.
We were surrounded
by waves of
people and I
looked at them all but
saw only
Did you see me too?
Weeks ago I dreamt of sunlight, a
carpet of color
and fragrance
and wishes gliding on gilded
wings and
I could reach
out a finger
where one would rest
for a breath.
And of course you were there.
Did you dream of me too?
Someone asked me to
dance yesterday.
I can’t recall
who because
you were watching us,
your gaze following us even though
her hand rested
on your arm. You looked
Did you forget her too?
I whispered this all
to you
a heartbeat ago.
Now two.
Now three.
I think I love you,
I breathed.
Did you love me too?
Do you love me too?