Submitted by Sariah Barlow
Crystals floated around her and her skin sparkled in the light. I could see diamond tears covering her cheeks; she knew as well as I did that we wouldn’t survive this. The refractions hadn’t been in our favour this time.
The End
She offered me her hand and I took it without hesitation.
The diamond glass littered our bodies as we lay sprawled on the concrete.
Our blood flowing together into a nearby drain.
I should have done more, but I couldn’t protect her.
I couldn’t even protect myself.
How can I protect her from something I couldn’t see coming?
They say accidents happen, with the kind of flippancy we’re all just expected to accept.
I can’t accept death. I’m not ready to go.
But like they say death doesn’t discriminate.
Old, young, we’re all going to die.
That always terrified me. The knowledge of knowing that one day I am going to die.
I assumed it would be when I was old. In my sleep, next to my wife, peaceful.
Or perhaps something quick that I wouldn’t even notice.
Not like this.
Not in pain, not slowly, my biggest fear realised.
And that’s not even the part that sucks the most!
She has to go through it with me.
This isn’t fair! God if you are listening, please the this suffering. Release us from this pain. I’ve never prayed to you before, but I am now.
I may not be able to open my mouth, but I am manifesting your comforting light.
They say when you die you go into the light, but I know that’s not true. Eternal darkness awaits me. It awaits us and I’ve never been more scared.