Cannot Love, Or Will Not Love

“Why don’t you love me”

He asked, eyes filled with tears

“I can’t”

I cried

His eyes never seemed to go dry that night

It broke me

It killed me

This boy

He loved me

And maybe I loved him

I just don’t know

“I care about you”

He whisperd

“I know”

I murmured

“What do I do? What do I say. To make you smile?”

He asked

“You stay”

I mumbled

So he stayed

And that was when I realized I loved him

I’d always love him

“Do you love me now?”

He pondered

I had no answer

I loved him

So why couldn’t I tell him?

“If you love me”

I said

But the questioned burned in my heart

Could I love him? Do I love him?

Or do I refuse to

“Never let me go”

He’d murmured

“I won’t”

I replied

“You love me, right?”


But even as the word left my lips

The question, it seemed, would always remain

Cannot love, or will not love

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