
From previous prompt. Not current. I went onto some of the older pieces of writing for different prompts and this one about Hades stood out to me. Sorry, I dont rly know about Hades but I know its something to do with death so I did a scene in a grave yard. Please dont be to critical with my writing as I am not that experienced however I appreciate feedback on things I can work on to improve my writing. Thx 🥀


A pair of eyes glazed with despair and secrecy.

A face frozen under layers of heaviness.

Bones cracking and twisting in a chorus of shallow shrieks.

I swallowed an emptiness, a palpable tension and stare at the coffin’s lid.

A hollowness that urgently needed filling pulsed through my veins.

The coffin lid slammed shut.

An orb of light pushed it’s way up the muddy throat of darkness.

Hysterics gurgled up my throat, but I refused to look at the grave burning holes in my sanity.

Screams rose in my chest, but faded in my throat before escaping my lips,

Just a sound in the darkness.

A voice stirring in the shallow air, laced with poison.

A cry for help, a purr of vulnerability.

A single tear carved a path down my face as I clutched the blood red rose.

Fingernails caked with dirt and crusted with the red crimson of death.

Distorted shadows etched my inexorable fate into the barren ground.


I succumbed to its wrathfull grasp,

Drowning under layers of helplessness.

I thrashed my limbs in an attempt to escape the stickiness.

I felt my consciousness dimming as fractured beams of light blurred.

Fear crashed down on my shoulders and dread poured into the pit of my stomach.

I looked upward and saw the glassy, merciless eyes of Hades, my captor.

A silent plea of mercy travelled through the air, and I gasped in long ragged breaths.

Veins of red poured into the beady eyes of Hades.

A shining blade of metal reached my throat and crimson pooled on the floor.

The stale, metallic taste reached my mouth and bile built up my throat.

I was dead, the last corpse in Hades massacre.

Dirt in my mouth, my nose.

A scream clawed up my throat but it was too late.

A sly grin spread across Hades face as he cupped handfuls of the blood and pushed it towards his face.

The pool of red diminished as he continued to drink the crimson potion.

Fingers of visceral pain clutched my corpse.

Straightening he wiped the back of his hand across his mouth, stained with the evidence of my death.

He was hungry, after all decomposition was cellular work.


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