No Words To Describe

The rushing blanket of dark blue water became a bubbling mass of foamy white as it fell furiously down the cliff. I could only stare speechless at the heavenly landscape, the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. If I got too close, the mists would soak my clothes and hair. The sound was deafening but I didn’t mind, I loved it actually, it was a natural sound and, for all the time I was there, it made me forget that there is an urban world out there. Being here was connecting to the primitive world, the centre of the planet where we all come from, but forgot. You could almost hear its heart pounding as if the Earth was saying “I’m alive.”

The river expanded much farther than my eyes could reach, shaped by the copper-red banks, massive ancestral rocks, acacias and green lush bushes. Eventually the foamy clouds would blur with the blue African sky. At night, when all was quiet, I could hear the soothing sound of the never ending water’s strength. It was Mother Nature at her truest and most humbling power. A power and beauty that no words can do justice to.

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