by Florentina Amon @

Write a story or poem titled "Freedom".
It’s finally happened, she finally got away. Her bare feet pound against the dirt and grass of a wide open field. Behind her the small shack like house grows farther in the distance behind her. It had been years that she had been trapped there, hidden away in a small dank room with only a small blanket for comfort. She had been taken two years ago by the horribly toxic couple that reside in the house that’s barley a speck on the horizon anymore. They thought it easier to just take a child then to work to have their own. She doesn’t loose pace once, it will only be so long before they realize she’s gone, so she needs to keep going, no matter what. Tears break free of their damn and stream down her cheeks in small rivers. Her breaths come out sharp and exhausted but she keeps her face. The field ends at a patch of woods and just on the other side a road. That road leads to the nearest town which means, salvation. She wipes at her cheeks trying to dry them but it useless, she can’t stop running nor crying at this point. It’s finally happening, she was almost free, after two long years of working to the bone on their farm and living through the beatings the husband would inflict on her if she didn’t finish her work on time, or just when he felt like it.
She hits the edge of the woods sooner then she realized and only slow to jump over roots and rocks that are in her way. It’s not to far now, she can see the road through the copse of trees ahead. Her steps stumble at the sound of gunshots but their not close it sounds far off, that means they know. She pushes her aching legs harder, she’s almost there, one step, then two and her next step she’s on the on the rough pavement of a backroad. She doesn’t stop to think as starts down the road away from their farm. Her heart beats so rapidly she feels like it will fall out of her chest, but she needs to keep going, she wants her family back, her mom, dad and little brother. She would give anything to see them again to feel their warmth and love. The sound of wheels appear behind her on the road and she quickly looks over her shoulder in fear. All she can think is that they found her and she’s done for, but to her great relief it’s not, it’s an elderly couple in a small off green car. She stops and turns waving her hands calling out for them to stop. They pull over to a stop but she can see the apprehension on their faces. The older woman steps out before the man and then her tears blur her vision for a moment and calls out for their help, begging them. She can see the elderly woman’s blue eyes mist over at the sight of the of her, she knows she’s covered in bruises and mud and who knows what else. The elderly woman turns with a resolute nod and quickly pulls a thick knitted sweater from the backseat and moves to her then pulls it around her. She falls into her warm embrace and now..she’s free.