Create a story or poem using the quote 'Wherever there is the light, the flowers will find it'.
My Light
_It’s so cold._
_It’s so very cold._
_I can’t see._
_I am blind._
_Where did the colours go?_
_What force took my vision?_
_I can’t see you any more._
_I can’t see your face._
_I can’t hear your voice._
_I can’t feel your tender touch, telling me it’s okay._
_Where did you go, love?_
_Did I do something wrong?_
_I can’t live with myself if I did something wrong._
_My mother told me,_
_“Wherever there is the light, the flowers will find it”_
_She said,_
_“They will find that light, no matter where they must venture to find it._
_For if they do not find the light, they die.”_
_Where did my light go?_
_My love,_
_Where did you go._
_Please my love._
_You are my light._
_I will wither and die without my light._
_Without you._
_Please my love,_
_Come out._
_I’m sorry._
_I’m so very sorry._
_I love you so much._