I Didn’t Do It!!

“Mrs.Onal I didn’t do it!” I said “oh sure you didnt 5 people in our class said you did it and only your best friend said you didn’t” Mrs.Onal exclaimed. “ bu-bu-“ I stuttered “office NOW.” “NO!!” I screamed and then covered my mouth.She grabbed me and pretty much dragged me to the office. She opened the door and shoved me in. I fell in with a stumble but regained strength. He stared at me angrily I knew Mrs.Onal called him. He pointed at the chair. I carefully sat down. He said “I know what you did and your gonna explain what happened.” But he said it kinda more peaceful than the look on his face. I immediately started talking “ First my classmate Ellie pushed me onto the ground. Then she said I know what you did. RAT.” “Well what did you do?” He said. I continued talking “ the day before, first I usually give her my snack at recess but I didn’t that day so she got really mad at me and stormed away” “huh.” He was concentrating on my words. “Continue” I continue explaining. “The morning of that day my sister yelled at me for drinking her drink and I took my anger out on Ellie.. I yelled at her.” “Huh…. Carry on..” he looked interested. I started again. “ she started crying and ran to tell the teacher I immediately got worried and angry at myself and started crying too. The teacher immediately walked over to me and said “You should know that your in big big BIG trouble.” And I said well this is what WE said.. ““Mrs.Onal I didn’t do it!” I said “oh sure you didnt 5 people in our class said you did it and only your best friend said you didn’t” Mrs.Onal exclaimed. “ bu-bu-“ I stuttered “office NOW.” “NO!!” I screamed and then covered my mouth.She grabbed me and pretty much dragged me to the office. She opened the door and shoved me in. That’s where we are now” “don’t believe you” he said I looked shocked. Expelled for 1…” “WEEK” I almost passed out everything was blurry. I heard him call my mom. When she picked me up she said a few words.. this is what she said “grounded 1… WEEK do all chore’s” I cried that whole week even while doing chores cause I never meant anything!

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