"If we pull this off, we're set for life!"

Write a story where this line of speech drives the main plot.

Oncoming Traffic

“No way dude, I’m not doing it!” Abel said, looking me directly in my eyes, through my soul, through me. “Think about it.” I reply and pause for a second to grab his attention. “If we pull this off, we’re set for life!” Abel looks down with his eyes, then in perfect synchronization we both look at the bank directly across the street. Abel turns to me and nods. “Let’s do it.” He takes the first step off the curb onto the street, and gets ran over by a car. My eyes open as wide as my lizard brain would let me. I’m frozen Stuck I can’t move My heart starts to race Is this what I want to do Do I rob this bank right here right now I grab the gun that’s on my left side and cock it back. The last sound I’ll ever hear. I raise it to the bottom of my chin. My finger is twitching. “If we pull this off, we’re set for life.” I pull the trigger.
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