The Travelling Medicine Man

Write a poem inspired by this title.

I Am My Own Medicine Man

I am happy to have found myself with you my love.

You’ve taken me from just a lowly doctor to a man that can control and manipulate time. I take you from place of space to space of my invention. My invention is your intention. I will not let my imagination have an affect on your existence. I am simply here. My medicine is you. I survive off of you. The only way I can survive is to continuously interact with you. I must take my medicine. I am my own medicine man. My love I cannot let you drive me forever. You drive me insane

you turn me into a drifted wreck

only to park your essence in my head chest and neck, and I’m just a speck it’s unfortunate I guess. My speck is too small to take a breath.

Selfless regret I guess.

Something you said resonated with me and I don’t want to speak on it. The words I say they feel like they’re non stopping. They’re not even on the right path anymore. But thank you.

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