"Everybody wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen."

Write about a character who is going through a typically stigmatised situation. As an added challenge, try to write from the perspective of the opposite gender to yourself.


Everyone wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen.

They’d much rather judge the cover of a book they’ve never written

I mean, there I was fighting off generational curses & my own troubles while all they did was smirk, laugh & mock the very painI had to endure.

No respect, no remorse.

They just kept kicking me while I was down.

I've been through so much! At the very hands of people who claim they love me but show me otherwise

& despite how they've treated me, I've always been good to them. But, no matter how good I was to them & how much I fought to love them even though they've shown me time after time they do not love me…

They use my loving actions against me by flipping the script to others & making themselves MY HERO. When in reality I've done things probably not even the greatest hero on earth would do for those evil people.

They spread lies but, I stay silent. I refuse to prove myself to gullible individuals.

To them, I'm just another story.

I challenge everyone today to question the storyteller instead of believing everything they say especially when youve seen the protagonist & antagonist roles reversed with your own 2 eyes.

And ask yourself. “Why are they comfortable gossiping to me about someone who has never told their side of the story? “

Maybe their trying to mask the truth of the matter to cloud your judgement of someone. ?

Be wary of the information you take in & who you prematurely judge. Everyone has a story.

Please Stop trying to understand the whole book by reading a page.

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