The Far Away Land

It was a dark night,

The sea furious and the sky thunderous.

And I was in my ship,

Uncertain of the future ahead,

Sailing for my land,

The one of my dreams,

The thought of which lit my way like a torch.

I was burning hope as fuel to keep me afloat on those deadly waves,

Hope of finding my shore that I so desperately sought,

The one that satisfies longing,

And cures the burning pain loneliness brings upon you.

The one that relieves famine for endearment,

Consoles you with motherly love,

And rains gold all over you.

While hope can be a fuel,

She can take other forms,

Disguising herself as a guaranteed future,

Hiding in the depths of your subconscious.

She can be the sun,

Shining so brightly down on you,

Blinding you,

Shedding light on a land that is not real,

like a star that died millions of years ago.

She can be a narcotic,

lifting your spirits,

delivering your soul some calm,

and your mind some quiet.

She can be a siren,

with the only sound guiding you in this impossible journey being her sweet lullabies,

luring you to the rocks.

Once my ship contacted the hard sediment,

The realisation of my foolishness dawned upon me,

Of my journey being longer than I naively believed,

Of my land being very far away,

Perhaps waiting for me somewhere in the black horizon.

The pain I felt so electrifying,

like a thunder,

Turned my ship upside down.

And I cried tears of hopelessness,

Weeped my wrecked ship,

My dreams shipwrecks disappearing in the ocean below me.

Without anyone else by my side,

and me as the captain,

I was eventually called to make an important decision;

Seek new shores,

Or let the abyss swallow me whole.

Although the darkness of giving up on my beloved land was tempting,

I knew I had to keep going.

I had nothing left but to trust I could sail to the shore.

The journey would be difficult,

The sea unwelcoming,

My days lonely,

The future a stranger whose looks were unknown.

Yet I found time as my companion,

A tool which unlocked other sorts of fuels to keep me on the surface;

Like burning desire to explore myself;

A fuel so strong which could maybe one day take me to new unimaginable lands,

Those that were yet to be revealed in my horizon,

Ones that I could never ever find in the abyss down below.

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