Write a story that begins in a very loud setting.
Your whole story doesn't have to take place here, but the setting should tie in to the rest of your plot.
The bass from the speakers was deep in my ear drums. The floor was shaking under the weight of the dancing crowd. I couldn’t hear Kara over the music but she was dragging me through the club. People shouted their hello’s at her and she hugged strangers all night. While I was internally in a panic that I couldn’t hear my own voice in my head. I didn’t want to be there, but I knew if I’d stayed home I would’ve cried al night and been miserable. Break ups were never easy, but this was the worst.
Kara passed me another shot of tequila that I downed before she could even get her own. I was just trying to drink until I was numb. I was drinking until I couldn’t be bothered by the terrible music the dj was playing or the fact that people kept shoving past me with no regard for my personal space. The buzz was starting to kick in and I was loosening up and dancing a bit. It was always like this on a night out her her. She was the song, the life of the party, while I was background music that no one paid attention to.
Kara and I danced and drank and drank and danced, before I knew it I was almost enjoying myself. I’d completely forgotten about Daniel and I was enjoying just being free and putting myself out there. I was even approached by a few guys on the dance floor. This is why I loved Kara, she knew how to push me just enough to break me out of my little shell of self isolation.
“Let’s go do another shot!” I screamed over the music and grabbed her hand an lead her to the bar.
“You’re glowing right now and its not just the sweat on your face” she laughed and hugged me. We grabbed our shots and clinked the glasses together. Two guys from the dance floor came over and offered to buy us another round. She looked at me for approval, always making sure I wasn’t overwhelmed. I nodded at her and smiled.
“Tequila, no lime!” I yelled out and laughed
“Wooooh we got a wild one over hear” said the taller of the two guys.
“I’m Kara, this is Sky” she introduced us to them and put her hand out to them.
“I’m Blake and this is Nick” said the shorter of the two. I could already see that he was into Kara. He was eyeing her up and down and held her hand while he spoke.
“You don’t come here often do you?” Nick said to me with a smirk
“No only when this one drags me out of the house” I laughed and playfully slapped at Kara’s arm.
“That’s a shame, you seem like a fun time.” I laughed and we walked back out to the dance floor. I wasn’t usually one to dance with random guys like that but he was gorgeous and I was having the time of my life getting attention from someone new. I danced with him all night and then the music stopped and the lights flashed on and off for last call. I looked over to where Kara had been dancing with Nick’s friend but she was nowhere to be seen.