Something you fear has entered your home. Write a deeply descriptive paragraph about the experience.
This could be something tangible (a spider, a snake, etc), or something more abstract (a memory or a threat).
The Giant Spider
It was a rainy day so Ally and her brother couldn’t go outside. “Ugh I’m bored!” Ally said trying to get comfortable on the couch. “Wanna play a bored game?” Her brother asked her. “Sure I guess” Ally said getting off the couch when suddenly she saw a small spider. “Ew there’s a spider!” Ally cried. “Squish it!” Her brother yelled. Ally squished it then it got larger. “It’s getting bigger!” Ally screamed. “You think you can squish me?” The spider said getting bigger. “How do you keep getting bigger??” Ally cried. “I’m not a normal spider you see the only way you can kill me is by completing my escape room” The spider said who was now giant and could barely fit. “What?” “I’m not completing your escape room.” Her brother exclaimed. “But Jakey!” “Mommy and Daddy aren’t going to be home for another hour!” “Ugh fine just because I hate spiders” Jake said crossing his arms. “Okay first you have to try to get out of this room then you’ll go on a rollercoaster to the second room” the giant spider said. “Sounds fun!” Ally smiled. “Trust me it’s not” The giant spider said. “Oh and by the way..If you don’t complete it in an hour I’ll kill one of you” “WHAT!” Jake yelled. “On to the first room” The spider said teleporting them and he disappearing. Jake and Ally looked around when they saw the first clue. “8395?” Jake said. “Is that the code?” “I don’t think so I don’t think he’s gonna make it that easy or be he is because he knows you’re stupid.” Ally said giggling. “Excuse me?” Jake said. “I’m 10 and you’re 7” Jake exclaimed. “I know but I’m still smarter.” Ally said. “WELL TALKING ABOUT WHO’S DUMB AND WHO’S SMART IS WASTING OUR TIME!” Jake yelled. “Give that paper to me” Ally said walking over to the lock. Ally looked at the paper it said 8395 but surely it couldn’t be that easy. “What about if I put 5938 which is the code backwards” Ally told Jake. She tired it and to her surprise it worked! “It worked!” Ally yelled “I told you I’m smarter” Ally told Jake sitting on the rollercoaster. “I’m not sitting next to you you’re mean” Jake said sitting 2 seats behind her. “You’re so dramatic” Ally said. “Shut up!” Jake yelled. As the rollercoaster got to the next room there were a bunch of snakes which they had to figure out how to cross them. “I hate snakes!” Jake said backing away. “How can you hate something that looks exactly like you?” Ally asked him trying not to laugh. Jake just gave her the death stare while trying to think how to get out. “Don’t look at me like that if we don’t hurry up you are gonna die” Ally said.
“Me?” Jake said. “Yes you the spider is gonna kill your since I’m pretty and can convince him not to kill me since I’m so cute” Ally said. “Hurry up we only have 10 minutes!” Jake said. “Ok fine it’s not my fault if you die.” Ally said. As Jake and Ally tried to get out the snakes time was going down quickly but they finally got over the snakes with 3 minutes left on the clock BUT their was a code. “Their’s a stupid code” Jake yelled. “It’s probably easy since the spider isn’t smart and you aren’t either and you look like a spider so it must be easy since you are dumb.” Ally told him trying to figure out how to solve the lock. “Wow- you are so rude today that I might cry” Jake said. “Haha I got it!” Ally said running out the door. “Wait!” Jake said running out the door. “The spider’s gone!” Jake yelled happily. “Yeah all because of me you just stood there staying how scared you were.”
The end hoped you liked it!