lake champlain

she went to the edge of the dock

at lake champlain

i stayed back

about fifty feet away


watched as the wind

blew her blonde hair,

dirty blonde,

into her face

and she put her hood up

from her grey sweatshirt

and i watched her grey sweatshirt

wrinkle back and forth

back and forth

and she stared out at the water

and the wind picked up

more and more

more and more

and i walked closer and closer

closer and closer

faster and faster

faster and faster

and i put my hands on her back

on the back of her grey sweatshirt

wrinkled back and forth

and i pushed her

as hard as i could

and watched her bob

up and down

up and down

and farther and farther

farther and farther

and i walked back to my car

and drove back to new jersey

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