Train of a Dream

I woke to find I had once again dreamed I was on a moving train. I could not but help to see the beauty from its windows.

It was a picturesque summer day. The train was full of people but I could only hear them from under my cabin door. They were laughing and making such joyful noises. Their happiness brought a joy to my own heart.

Alone in the cabin there was a large number of hardback books. They were all opened to the middle as if I had read all of them halfway through. Was this an indication I was halfway through my life’s journey?

There was a gas lamp hanging from the ceiling. My dream did not take place in my own time.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I asked who it was and a man’s voice said a fellow traveler. When I opened the door I saw that the stranger was tall, dark and handsome.

“Please pardon me but do have any sugar?” I found this a very funny question so I started to laugh which make him laugh.

He said his name was Henry and he wished to know if he would be permitted to have my next dance. I looked around and saw we were suddenly in a grand ballroom. I was beautify dressed in purple and jewels in the style of the Renaissance.

Henry walked me to the dance floor. As he let go of my hand I saw a bright light that was blinding me. We was back on the train in different clothes than before. Henry was sitting across from me reading one of the books. He looked up at me and smiled. Got up and kissed me. He called me darling and smiled. Then my alarm went off. I threw it across the room and tried to get back to my dream unsuccessfully.

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