Submitted by HardCoreWriter

Write a story about a dog who figures out their owner is evil.

Doggie Doesn’t Want A Bone

“I know he’s up to something wicked, you hear me Jax?” Spike reached to poked Jax, his best friend, with the tip of his paw. He sat at the edge of the couch with a bone in between his two paws like a cigarette (lol). Spike’s eyes were squinted at his owner who was playing a game on the computer as his head shook in a micro movement. Jax was completely zoned out belly up to the sky in the middle of the couch. He snapped out it when the smell of lasagna filled the air. Jax’s mouth filled with saliva drooping at the corners with ears perked up with anticipation. Spike slowly turned his head to look at Jax reacting like any dog would to simple human stuff. Spike poked Jax again saying “I tell you this guy is trouble and you get happy about lasagna?,” rolling his eyes to signal his annoyance. Johnny slammed his hands on the table screaming at the computer for alledgedly cheating. His veins popped out from the rides of his neck. Spike barked at Johnny who aggressively pushed him out of the way. He muttered to himself saying things along the lines of needing to “release the tension” and that someone needs to be taken care of. Spike was startled and chose not to bark. He felt like it would cause Johnny more frustration. Jax stopped mid pant to think back to what spike asked him. He was perplexed by the statement. Jax looks back to Spike with a tilted head “Why would Johnny be trouble? He literally does nothing all day. I’d say a low life, loser, average joe.. but trouble? just look at him.” Spike was confused by his statement because of what just took place. Spike questioned himself _“did he not just witness that?”_ They both simultaneously followed Johnny with their eyes as he walked to the kitchen. Johnny was really an ordinary man. No love life. 9-5 workdays. Video games. Sleeps. It was odd to assume he was up to no good. When Johnny came out the kitchen, he was holding two bowls. One blue and one green. Jax was super elated and leaped from the couch to his bowl whereas Spike took his time. Jax was finished with his food by the time Spike made it to the bowl. He almost ate his food before Johnny shoved him out of the way. Johnny patted his knees repeating “come here boy. come come.” Spike was unpaused. He felt as though something was wrong. After a few more calls, he finally walked over to the bowl. He took one bite, then one more, and then another. He kept his eyes squinted in Johnny’s direction who had sat back down to play his computer game. Spike finished his food and waddled back to the couch feeling a food high. He fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, there were police in the home. He jumped up because of primal instincts. He barked and barked and barked. Jax laid still. He didn’t move a muscle. Spike kept barking and noticed no one had a reaction. He ran up to everyone who just wouldn’t move. He listened in to the conversation between the police officers and Johnny. At first he couldn’t make out what was being said until he heard Johnny say “I snapped,” followed by an outburst of tears. One police officer put him in handcuffs whilst the other stood over Spike. He shook his head in disbelief. Someone else came in with a bag. Spike and Jax were put into those bags and zipped up. Johnny killed them.

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