If Only ©2019 Alassa

Write a story or poem based on this image
My heart laid scattered like crushed rose petals on the cold ground. The warmth of his hand as it held mine spread through me like a stream. This would be the last time I would look in his crystal blue eyes. The last time I could tell him how much he meant to me.
My fingers brushed across his face. One last time, I wanted to take it all in. A weight was dropped in my stomach. I wanted nothing more than for time to freeze. Here, with him in my arms.
His musky scent enveloped me, like a blanket protecting me. But soon this blanket must be ripped off and I will face the cold alone. Such pain resonated in his eyes.
My vision blurred. I could not stop the tears as they flooded down my cheeks.
He stood up and lifted me on my feet. He brushed my tears off and brought his face closer to mine.
‘Don’t cry,’ he whispered, ‘Smile. For me.’
But he knew I will never smile the same way as I did before. How ignorant I must have been.
The golden light grazed his tanned skin and his blonde hair sparkled in the sun. He looked so beautiful. A memory that has been engraved in my brain.
His lips touched mine for the last time. So soft as if he was touching a fragile baby bird.
He let go of my hand and stood away. I will never forget the moment his back turned on me. I will never forget the second he walked out the door.
The taste of his lips lingered on mine. The words that we left unsaid drowned in my throat.
I loved you. More than you could ever know.