After The Hurricane

A cold breeze makes me shiver down through my spine,the back where my body is resting feels hard,my mouth is dry,I cannot recall things..Why is everything so dark? I am trying to open my eyes with the pain all over my body.I look around me, a complete silence, I recall I was leaving to pick my son and my dearest wife after their vacation.Am I too late for that?I was on a call with my wife, she just landed.. where is she ?

I look around me, I am surrounded by a dead bodies.Someone is screaming for help,”where are you ? What happened?”,there is a sharp pain around my mouth.My car is not longer a car,it’s just a crushed tin with some engine.

I was getting excited for a meet up with my family,I was planning through the day to spend my time with them..I tried to reach the airport by walking but,seems like my leg is badly injured.I remember ,driving happily after a call,suddenly the clear blue sky turned into dark.The sun was hiding and cloud started crashing with each other,followed my the hardest wind ever, unpredictable.Suddenly,people started screaming for their life,running here and there,the wind started hitting more than, it started swaying the house.Everyone and everything was chaos.After that,a big cyclone that started talking everything with them.As if,this is the end of the world.I was in my car,I ran from my car.I looked around,seeing the nature collapse into nothing less but,chaos.”Is this the end?”And,something sharp hit my head and,I remember everyone screaming before I blank out.

Now,here,there is no more screaming for help,just a silence.I don’t see anyone beside me, the world is collapsed.It seems like it would be dark soon,I cannot see my phone anywhere.”How is my wife and son?”I ask to myself.Again,the cloud starts screaming,there is a light rain.I pulled out my hand,it is black rain.The rain after destruction,I look around for the shelter.I see a half house and,stayed there.Thousands of thoughts and feeling,cripple inside me.”Am I the only one who survived?”The cold breeze is hitting on my skin, Iike a claw longing for Warmth that was nowhere to be found.The silence,is too loud, even I could hear my own breathing,my own shivering.There is crippling fear inside me, “what after this?”.Suddenly,the rumbling of my stomach reminds me,I haven’t ate anything and the crippling fear of surviving is hitting me.And,from the far,I see a dark hurricane coming toward me , and all I could think of is,”So,this is an end?”


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