
As he came to, he couldn't hear a thing but a deafening ringing. Straining his head to the left he could only make out a silhouette amidst the cloud of debris that hadn't quite settled. A cold wave of fear and dread ran down his body as he turned quickly to put as much space between him and this entity which was still unknown. As he tried shuffling to his feet a searing pain enveloped him. He looked down to see the bone below his right knee broken through the skin. As the blood drained from his face he felt an unsettling hand on the back of his neck, almost seeming to pass through him. In the same instant his head exploded in a fiery haze, throbbing with every beat of his heart. “Is this the end?” he wondered in agony; vision blurred from the unrelenting torment in his head. In mere moments he heard a strange noise fill the room as the being answered his unvoiced concern, “My son, I wish for your sake it was,” and just as soon as he had come to his senses, he felt the room close in as consciousness left him.

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