In the future, every human is genetically engineered to be useful to the world in some way.

Write about a character who despises what they were designed for.

Time is the price of money

Currency is life, it’s as simple as that. Without the cash flowing into the system there would be nothing to stand on. No one would work for free or bother helping society in any way. It’s all about the money. Been like that for thousands of years. The value of money though is even high than its worth. Time. Time is the price of money. You work and work and work hours in a day and for your time you are paid. Time is money. Money is time. Life is time. So if all we have in life is time than why do we give it up for money? Because without the money there’s no point in life. See? Doesn’t make sense. The system hasn’t changed, it never will. I hate it. I hate watching the crooks steal money from others. They kill people for it, hurt them. My job is to capture the crooks. I’m an investigator. My job is to get rid of those trying to mess up the money system. The thing is we forget that time is worth more than money, we forget money has no value but the power we give it. And yet people exist for it instead of it existing for them. It’s all become backwards. It’s been like this for centuries And I don’t know how to stop it.
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