Submitted by lily marie
"I know every detail about every version of herself she has ever been."
Write a poem which either includes this line, or uses it as the central theme.
You know what’s crazy? Love. Like, true love. Imagine having someone that’s EVERYTHING to you, that you’d do absolutely anything for. Imagine loving someone that you care about more than yourself, more than your own family. The one. Your soulmate. There are so many names for it, so many stories. But in real life? Actually experiencing that kind of love? How can one be so attracted to another that they would drop everything in an instant if it meant just seeing the other smile? Or give up everything right away if it meant being able to be with each other? I want that kind of love. I want a man that loves me so much, knows me so well, even better than I do. I want someone who knows how I’m feeling with just a single look my way, someone who knows how to read my face and understands my heart, my soul. I want to be loved. I want to be loved like that. I want to love like that, too. How amazing would it feel to know someone better than they know themselves? Or to be there for them, for them to know that you’re there for them, that you’ll always be there no matter what happens. Or for your heart to be full at the sight of their face; for them to be EVERYTHING to you ; for them to be your life, your love, your happiness, the only reason for anything that you ever do. That would be crazy, but I want it so badly. I doubt I’ll get it. I doubt I’ll even be close. Maybe one day someone will somehow fall for me, but will they see me as their everything? Will they think I’m beautiful, convince me that I am? Will they love each and every part of me, never ask me to change, never make me feel bad about myself? Will they care for me that much? Will I feel the same for them? Will we both hold each other with so much respect that we’d go to the ends of the world and back for each other? Would we do absolutely anything for each other? Will we truly, truly love each other, with not a single ounce of us holding back? Will we still feel butterflies every time we make eye contact, or get all giddy at the slightest touch of our hands? Will the romance be as alive as our smiles when we see each other’s face? Will he actually love me? I wonder if that even possible. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe it is, just not for me. I don’t know, but I hope so. That would be incredible. That would be crazy.