Inspired by N.S.
Write a story about a character who becomes something they once hated.
Vampires! They stormed the town killing everyone in sight. Me, Tony and Rob were the only survivors. We ran out of the town, why stay? Vampires have took it over! Our home! Gone! Took by those wretched monsters!
“Curse those horrid beasts!” Tony cries when we finally stopped running.
“Beasts is too nice a word!” I mutter.
“Soulless monsters!” Rob said.
“Oh they have souls, the problem is they stole those souls from the innocent people they killed!” I yelled.
We set up some tents and went to bed, tomorrow we will come up with a plan to take them down!
I woke up later in the night to screaming. I got up and went out my tent. Vampires had surrounded the tents! I turn and see two figures running away!
Tony and Rob abandoned me! Left me to be killed by the vampires!
I was going to run but the vampires had me trapped!
One flew at me! It’s sharp fangs pierced my neck!
I cried out in pain.
It’s too late! I feel my blood being sucked from my neck! It’s killing me!
Well if I’m going - then it’s going too! I think grabbing my knife from my pocket. My knife is laced with garlic oil. I jab it into the vampires chest!
It screams, a horrid, ear piercing scream! It’s fangs release from my neck and it falls back, it lies there dead!
The other vampires turn into bats and fly off!
“You monsters!” I yell.
I fall back, my hand on my neck. I feel so week! That monster killed me!
I thought I was dying, I was wrong! It was worse!
I felt my skin crawl and my blood boiled! I was freezing! The roof of my mouth felt like something was piercing in from the inside out! I felt two huge cuts open on my back and I cried out! My fingers were being stretched out and I felt my nails growing about a hundred times faster than they should!
When this was over something else started.
I felt like I was being crushed! My skin was bubbling! The cuts on my back grew round to my arms and my bones pressed out! My skin on my arms stretched! My throat scratched!
Suddenly that all happened but in reverse!
I opened my eyes. I looked at my arms, they were a light blue! I felt something poking my bottom lip! My fingers were long and bony, my nails were like claws!
“NO NO NO! THIS CAN’T BE!” I screamed.
I was a vampire!
Was my conscious about to slip away? Was I going want to kill a load of people!?
A thought came to my mind:
Why did I turn into a vampire when everyone else just died?
Oh no! I killed a vampire while it’s fangs we’re in my neck! I got rid of one and became another!
I noticed I was starving. But I ate like an hour ago. But I didn’t eat what vampires are supposed to eat; blood!
What was I going to do? I can’t be a vampire!
I look at the dead vampire on the floor, the knife was at its side. I reached and grabbed it but as soon as my hand touched the handle it burned so bad! Garlic! I’m a vampire I can’t touch garlic! How can I protect myself without my knife? Wait, I’m a vampire, I protect myself how vampires do!
I might as well try to be a vampire.
No! Listen to me! I’m becoming an evil monster! But I can’t reverse this. The only way to survive is to live as a vampire.
I stood up.
Took a deep breath.
My skin crawled again and before I knew it I was in the air flapping my arms (which now had some sort of sheet of skin beneath them), flying! I turned myself into a bat! I have no idea if I’m exited or terrified.
I flew away. Towards the clouds.
After a few minutes I saw Tony and Rob beneath. I went down forgetting I was a vampire for a moment and they probably would want to kill me. But when I finally remembered they already saw me and were about to shoot me with their arrows. My only option was to go down and reveal what happened and hope they don’t try and kill me.
I went right to the ground and transformed back. I narrowly missed an arrow from Rob!
“NO! Stop shooting please, it’s me!” I cry.
“Amelie!” Rob screamed, “you’re a vampire! How are you a vampire!”
“The vampire bit me!”
“As if!” Tony cried, “If you get bit by a vampire you die! You must have been a vampire all along!”
He and Rob start shooting at me again so I turn back into a bat and fly away!
“You idiots, I wasn’t a vampire!” I try to yell but it comes out as a squeak.
I know what they’re thinking: the Amelie they knew would have killed herself if she became a vampire. I don’t know why I didn’t, I just felt maybe it wouldn’t be too bad being a vampire.
I land a little while later. The cuts on my back feel odd. Suddenly wings sprout from them! So I can either be a bat or I can just have bat wings!
I suddenly feel a burn. I look over, the sun was rising! Oh no! I fly away trying to find shelter, finally I see a cave! A go straight in.
I’d have to stay here until sun-down. I was starving but I would have to wait before I could get food.
I don’t know why but being a vampire has been weird, but also amazing! Even if there is a cure I want to stay like this.
No! I can’t stay like this! But, I might have to.
Suppose I’m a vampire now.