In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.

What will you tell them?

The Right Moment

Dear friends, A great deal of life is lost searching for the right moment .. The right moment to eat a certain meal , the right moment to wear that glamorous dress hanging in your cupboard.. the right day to wear that expensive perfume you bought .. The right moment to truly allow yourself to be happy .. We look for people , days, places and moments .. as dictators of our very own happiness .. as deciding factors But happiness my friends, is a birth given right … everyone is born with a ticking clock .. a lifetime with a time limit .. we don’t have forever .. past time never comes back If there is breath in your lungs , then the moment is now ! Go and eat that cake you’ve been saving for a special day .. go dress up and glam up .. not for a moment or person .. for yourself ! Take advantage of each breathing moment .. smile while you still have teeth they say .. Before long , the bottle of perfume will be stale , the clothes may no longer fit .. dust may collect on all the shoes you carefully kept for that special day .. that special day may not come .. Because it is now .. today is special ..
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