Secrets secrets .. who knew what they were .. Stacked away in her closet .. Years of them , locked tightly .. Who would she trust if at all , Vulnerabilities dressed in smiles There was never anything wrong .. she couldn’t even if she tried .. to breathe a word would be to give it all away So she kept silent .. closed her heart again .. Final whispers wandered away without care ..
It was my friends sons 1st birthday .. we were one of the lucky ones she invited .. I’d never been to a party she had hosted before .. so I was looking forward to it .. The birthday boy is a charming young man ❤️
All dressed and ready we reached the hall .. chairs and tables were all set for food to be served .. everyone made themselves comfortable in the fantastically decorated celebration..
I didn’t know anyone there , except my friend of course and her 2 sisters ..
I sat down on the chair .. I was nicely dressed that day .. while talking to one of her relatives .. my chair suddenly broke from the centre , I fell through it , looking something like jack in the box ! .. the chair was broken and I hadn’t realized that as I came in ..
I’m sure it’s a birthday they won’t forget ..
Dear friends,
A great deal of life is lost searching for the right moment .. The right moment to eat a certain meal , the right moment to wear that glamorous dress hanging in your cupboard.. the right day to wear that expensive perfume you bought .. The right moment to truly allow yourself to be happy ..
We look for people , days, places and moments .. as dictators of our very own happiness .. as deciding factors
But happiness my friends, is a birth given right … everyone is born with a ticking clock .. a lifetime with a time limit .. we don’t have forever .. past time never comes back
If there is breath in your lungs , then the moment is now ! Go and eat that cake you’ve been saving for a special day .. go dress up and glam up .. not for a moment or person .. for yourself !
Take advantage of each breathing moment .. smile while you still have teeth they say ..
Before long , the bottle of perfume will be stale , the clothes may no longer fit .. dust may collect on all the shoes you carefully kept for that special day .. that special day may not come ..
Because it is now .. today is special ..
I see you swallow your hidden guilt .. as you raise your voice above the others .. your nose above the clouds , you seem to have it all All these people you call friends .. a circle you paid for .. showering you with compliments , keeping you company … hidden agendas
A guilt based reaction .Your warped perception of friendship.. something built on bribes and favors .. It’s a shame you couldn’t come bare and test the waters of truth .
Perhaps you’re afraid of reality.. of opening your eyes and seeing no one .. so you keep it up .. you swallow your hidden guilt and remain in your bubble.
Standing beside him she felt complete .. All the friends were together that evening .. it was his birthday .. laughter and jokes , dancing and music .. the room was full of life
Just that there was something dying inside of her heart .. a pinch so hard she had to exclaim ..
Please can you come with me to the back yard ? Now ? He asked ? Yes …
They walked beside each other .. silence ..
Her heart fluttered .. and also felt like it was beating in her throat ..
They reached the back yard ..
As she set foot on the grass , not waiting a second .. she exclaimed “ I love you”
Shock .. followed by a more deafening silence ..
“ I love you , I really do ! I had to tell you .. I’ve been dying to tell you.. I want to be with you.. please be mine “
Stunned , he had no idea how to say what he was going to say .. but he knew he had to.. it was an absolute must ..
“ I’m sorry girl, I do not feel the same.. , I see you as a friend , and have never seen you in that way “
Her heart shattered , she fell to the ground .. unconscious.. it had taken everything in her to voice her wishes .. her love .. her longing ..
Unreturned love. The most brutal punishment, most incurable illness anyone can experience.
1st December 2022.
Dear diary ,
Winters near the North Pole are beyond my tolerance.. frost bite has blackened my feet and caused me a lot of pain .. the wood for the fire is also finished .. we shall see what tomorrow holds .. it’s night time , I’m looking out my window at the moon .. wishing it could draw some light from The warmer nations it faces ..
( diary entry of Edward , who lives in Greenland )
2nd December 2022.
Dear diary,
I can barely stand the heat of the pen on my palms ,I wish the North Pole would send some of its cool air to this scorching weather of Florida. I can’t bear it anymore .. Oh I spot the moon out the window , night is falling perhaps the moon may bring some coolness from the cool nations it faces ..
(Diary entry of Robert who lives in Florida )
3rd December
Dear diary,
Today I bought a mansion in Dubai , this is the third one I bought ( the other two in America and Italy ) I am free this week and could fly to the country of my choice and stay in my mansions there , I’m struggling to make a choice .. Perhaps it’ll be Dubai . Looking forward to my week. The moon is so bright tonight, rejoicing with me .
( diary entry of Adam ,a multimillionaire, entrepreneur, and tech firm owner)
4th December 2022
Dear diary ,
My brother is sick , terribly sick , they say he may loose his life, and an expensive operation is our only chance of saving him . Mother has no money , we barely have food .. we are looking into a tunnel with no light at the end of it .. Except this moon outside … It looks at me like it knows my struggle .. gives me hope for the next day .. we will try again tomorrow
(Diary entry of joe who lives in a deprived area in china )
Light beings , existence feels like a feather .. the universe is vast .. my voice is heard .. Heard by all .. we are not boxed up ..
No walls separate us .. we fly alongside our alien friends …
The planets revolving .. a beautiful sea of stars .. what a beauty to exist amidst this breathtaking view …
And if you really fancy a trip , come along we shall fly to the luminous sights … we can talk about the different shades of light .. how it reflects back home ..
Don’t forget to take back some silvery water, and a pebble or two for home .. until the next adventurous flight , there’s much yet left to explore .
Just one question .. why didn’t you reply to my text message ? And that was the end of our friendship ..
My dear friend.. whom I kept very close to my heart , parted ways with me forever ..
I cannot see you as a friend anymore , she said ..
With all the shared history , good laughs , precious times and immense love .. I walked away .. tears streaming down my face .. one’s that felt more like blood .. My heart .. completely shattered ..
I can never be the same again .
I’m not ready , I’m not prepared to let go .. why are you doing this ? What did I do wrong ? She Cried .. she pleaded .. she begged ..
I will not be able to do this , please understand.. this is impossible for me .. you mean the world to me .. I cannot bring myself to part ways with you .. she cried & cried , till the breath struggled to escape her aching lungs .. her voice fallen on deaf ears .. the departing always depart ..
Looked down in her hands , her heart was there , torn, ripped .. like someone had chewed it and spit it out .. lifeless .. she wishes she had never woken up to this day .
Loneliness .. the feeling of being left in a dark forest , with no exit , no light .. that is what she felt there that night ..
Helpless she took off her shoes , & laid down on the tall grassy ground, on that very same location ,she didn’t dare move an inch here or there .. the harsh rain beating against her face .. the growling thunder in her ears ..
Closing her eyes, she wished just one thing .. for the storm to devour her, to cloak her into oblivion .. to be unknown forever.