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"We did it!" Jeremy said excitedly, stepping back from their brand new Time Caspule 3000™️ "we've accomplished time travel."

"You know where we need to go first, right?" Zach queried, "we need to go back in time to before the universe was created and find out once and for all if it was created by a God or gods, or if the atheists were right."

"You still believe in a supreme being?" Jack asked skeptically. "We created time travel. WE are supreme."

"I guess we'll figure that out 13.8 billion years ago, won't we?" Zach replied. Jeremy chuckled.

"You've been waiting to use that line since we started this project, haven't you?"

Zach grinned mischievously and said, "I've got more."

"We did it!" Jeremy exclaimed, "we achieved time travel."

"You know where we need to go first, right?" Zach asked, "We need to go back in time before the universe was created and find out once and for all if it was created by a God or gods, or if the atheists were right."

"You still believe in a supreme being?" Jack asked. "We made time travel. WE are supreme."

"I guess we'll figure that out 13.8 billion years ago, won't we?" Zach responded. Jeremy chuckled.

"You've been waiting to use that line since we started this project, haven't you?"

Zach grinned mischievously and said, "I've got more."

"They'll have to wait until after we're done solving the universes greatest mysteries." Said Jack impatiently, "Can we go already?"

"Calm down, Jack, we have all the time in the world," Zach replied. "The universe, actually"

"And yet you waste it with your stupid wordplay," Jack said, climbing into the Time Caspule 3000™️ "Are you coming, or am I leaving without you?"

"Shotgun!" Zach shouted excitedly, rushing in to sit next to Jack. Jeremy followed, closing the hatch behind himself.

"Let's go!" Said Zach enthusiastically, "Destination: right before the big bang!" Jack started the complicated launching process. The Time Caspule 3000™️ started to hum, loud and low.

"Here we go!" Jeremy said, pressing the launch button. Nothing happened.

"Why didn't anything happen?" Said Jack, frustrated. "All of the math checks out"

"Maybe if you made the launch button big and red like I told you, it would have worked." Zach said.

"No, I think I know what it is," Jeremy said, flipping a switch under the console, "It's the child safety lock doing it's job" he pressed the button again, and immediately all three of the blacked out.

They came to in a completely different room from the one they were in what felt like to them as just moments before. Zach awoke first and looked around.

"Woah, guys!" He shouted, "all of us were wrong." Jeremy stirred, followed by Jack.

"I guess we're not supreme." Jack said

"Don't touch anything until we think this through" said Jeremy. In front of them all in big lettering were the worst five words any of them have ever read.




I leaned back in my chair, chuckling to myself. They actually did it, I felt like a proud father. They actually created time travel. That's why I made them, of course, but I was kind of sad to see them go. Now that my objective is complete, I have no more use for this simulation.

"You still don't have proof that their model will work in real life" I thought to myself. But my engineers were on that right now. Besides, I am sure I made the simulation 100% realistic. I heard a knock on my door.

"Sir?" Came a muffled voice from outside, "It's ready." I took one more look at my computer screen before closing the program. Then I glanced at the picture on my desk, the thing that has kept me going through this 9-year long project. Jack, Jeremy, and Zach, the sons I lost too soon, smiled back at me.

"I'm coming to get you guys," I said "Don't you worry, daddy's coming"

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