Submitted by Arnold Carroway

Write a scene that takes place in mid air.

It could be from anyone, or anything's, perspective.

What Would Happen If I...

I took a step and looked towards the sky. It couldn’t be that hard, could it? Bitting my lip with anticipation and excitement, I closed my eyes and repeated the words: Jump and lift, jump and lift. Squeezing them tight then shaking my head I broke into a full sprint. The clouds above me were pure white and the sky a baby blue, the sky looked so innocent. What could go wrong? I then pounced off my right leg and lifted my other one into the air. For a moment my heart dropped. And time stopped. Wind billowed in the distance and I took a shaky breath. Then...I dropped. My mind was racing and I let out a cry of terror. No, no, no, no, no, no, this can’t be happening! When the adrenaline kicked in so did my thoughts. Arms out. Legs together. Focus. Quickly I put my arms out so they were straight, and put my legs together. Then BOOM, I was off. Wind crashed against my face and dew covered my face as I went through a cloud. A laugh full of shock and relief fell out of me as I glided through the sky. I tilted my body a little upper wards with a smirk on my face and shot up. I gained speed fast as I flew higher and higher. And with a final push I broke through the clouds. I spun and twisted as the fear I had not long ago vanished as did the land I was just standing on. Again I laughed, could this really be happening?? Was I in a dream that I hoped would never end? Or was this my reality? Thoughts ruched through my head but as the wind blow past me it took them as well. And with that I dove back into the white abyss. This was it. Everything I had fought for. All the blood and tears I shed was for this very moment. To discover and take ahold of something beautiful. My freedom.
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