Submitted by an anonymous user

"All I wanted was a lazy Sunday, but now I have to kill you."

Use this piece of speech in a story of any genre.


I’ve been accused of doing lots of things before, just nobody actually did anything. It was a Sunday…I remember it. I was hanging out with my friends, yeah? And then out of nowhere this emo ginger came casually, just, sauntering up to us. “Raine.” The ginger immediately said in a cold tone, grabbing my wrist. Straight to the damn point. What’d I even do anyways? The worst i’ve ever done was wear a full camo outfit. Truly a crime. Hideous. Then the ginger snarled at me like he was a fucking dog, or something. Though, not going to lie, it was kinda hot.

“Whaddya want, Jackson..” I said. “We gotta talk..In private.” Jackson’s eyes narrowed as he responded. Now that I think about it, he did seem angry at me. And I did hear rumors going around about him…He surely doesn’t think I did it? No? Whatever, I really don’t care. Jackson started to walk, and I follow. Once we stop, I stare at this guy, trying to figure out what’s going through his thick skull. “Ray-“

“Raine.” I quickly correct him. I don’t fuck with him using my nickname. “Yeah, yeah. You heard of any rumors? Any? At all?” About me?” Jackson is clearly framing me for all this. I gave a subtle nod. No big deal. “You know who started it?” I shook my head no. I hate words, I try to use them as little as possible. Jackson spoke “Sounds like your lying, Ray.” Did he just use my nickname? Oh HELL no. “You know what I do to liars? Kill them.” Jackson said. “I’d just have to kill you before you can kill me, no?” I say. “Yes…But-“ I cut Jackson off mid-sentence, sighing. “Maaan…I honestly just wanted a lazy Sunday, but now I have to worry about killing you? Oh hell no. Im out of here.” Jackson was fully ready to yell at me, but before so, I walked away. Id still kill him, though. Just on another day.

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