The Aftermath

Write a story or poem with this as the title

Not the knight

The aftermath of you was something no person should have to experience. As quickly as you walked into my life you tore your way back out leaving no part unbroken. The black pit that used to be my heart aches at the sound of your name. Even in passing conversation the sound of your voice in the hall kills me the same. I cannot breathe anymore because I feel not worthy of air. You took a sweet innocent girl and left her broken and bruised on the side of the road. That party where I drank to much and you were supposed to be my knight and shining armor and take me home. Then the shining of your armor turned to rusted metal because you were really the monster in disguise. I still feel every bruise that you made even though they are beginning to fade. You’ve done this before and you called me the “whore” knowing to spare my face. So your handy work could be hidden by clothes so nobody knows that the sweet jock is only part of your face. The other side to the coin that is your reflection is the imperfections where the monster lurks just under the surface. I’m sure that I’m not the only girl who’s seen into those eyes that are always trying to hide behind that bright and shining smile. One day the person underneath will be the only one that everyone see when you take a girl stronger than me. She will show your real face scream into space of all the injustices that you have done. Boy won’t that be fun when you are on the run from the monster that you have become. I will be free of my misery that you have brought me since you left me alone beaten and broken on the side of the road.

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