'The truth finally came to light.'

Write a poem which ends with this line.

Let The Party Start Intro 1/8

Let the party

Let the party start


Let the party start

Heartbreak and drugs tearing me apart

Tell them Percs to do their part

Henny with a xannex bar

Let the party start

Let the fucking party start

Let the party start

Let the party start

Heartbreak and drugs tearing me apart

Tell them percs to do their part

Relax and let the party start

In my heart it’s a avalanche

Freeze freeze

My bank account needs comas in it

Cha Ching

My body needs something in its system

Green green

The party never ends with me


I get fucked up

A little high a little drunk just

To wake up

And do it all again

I’m in a trance

Getting flashbacks of Maryland

In a bottomless pit I’ll never land

Abyss in me

I’m too high

I’ll never land

I told myself that I’d never show up here again

Running from my doom

In 500 dollar shoes

Misery avenue not a long drive too

Only a matter of time before these habits tie a noose

I know I’m not the only one

We all got stuff that we all go through

Late night thoughts

Get into it

Pills just do em

When I get high my life feel like a movie

Back to reality my life is a movie

Ima rockstar ain’t none too it

Let the party start

Heartbreak and drugs tearing me apart

Tell them percs to play their parts

Henny with a xannex bar

Let the party start

Let the fucking party start

Let the party start

Heartbreak and drugs tearing me apart

Tell them percs to play their part

Relax and the let party


I’m surrounded by a crowd

But I’m

By myself

I’m my own best friend I don’t need no one else

Looking at my mind

It has problems but I’ll put them

On the shelf

Stash it away

For a day

That’s ok

Now I got time to go back to my old ways

30 take my heart away

Took it away ain’t leave a trace

Took more I can’t feel my face

Got so high

Im up in the sky

I can see all the serpents and snakes

I still hang around them

I won’t go away

Caught in a trace

Lost in this waste

Took too many I’ve been high for some days

I got nothing else to say

My souls so dirty

Purple rain

Demons on me

Go away

I got drunk the other day

Looked in the mirror and didn’t see my face

Purple eyes

Devil horns




Um um

Living in doubt

and fear

The drugs will kill me early

Their checking me out

I need to get sober but it’s hard living without em

They’re kinda the only thing other than Chloe that really makes me smile

Let the party start

Drugs and heartbreak tearing me apart

Tell them drugs to play their part

Henny and a xanny bar

Let the party start

Let the fucking start

Let the party start

Heartbreak and drugs tearing me apart

Tell them drugs to play their party

Henny and xannex bar

Let the party start

Let the party start

Drugs and heartbreak tearing me apart

Tell them drugs to play their part

Henny and xannex bar

Relax and let the party start

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