Beauty In The Little Things

I find simple things extraordinary

I believe the most mundane

And stupid things

Are magical

Let me explain

Clocks are a passage of time

They are a never ending entry into seeing every minute go by

Every second of our lives

And if we wanted to we could just sit there and watch our minutes fade away

I find clocks enchanting

Batteries are magical objects

There are a dozen different types made for different gadgets

You put them in and suddenly the thing you’re holding comes to life

I find batteries wondrous

Candles are a light in the darkness

They come in all colors and sizes

For different seasons and events

They bring beauty and cheer into your own home

I find candles fascinating

Nails and screws are the structure of our lives

They hold your favorite pictures

They build up bookshelves that are high and mighty

They hold us as a whole together

I find nails and screws admirable

You could say I look into things too much

You could say I’m making something out of nothing

But I don’t believe that

I love seeing more beauty in my ordinary life

I love seeing beauty come out of nothing

I find It magical that I can look at something so normal

So ordinary

But these normal objects that we pass by everyday

Are what’s keeping us humans together

We would be nothing if these ordinary objects weren’t there to hold us up

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