Submitted by Maranda Quinn

Write a poem from the perspective of someone who obviously hates — or is just extremely bad at — poetry.

Try to consider why someone may feel pressured to write a poem. Love? A school project?

I Hate Poetry, But Here You Go.

Today is your lucky day

You’ll see me try to rhyme

(Key word: try)

I swear, if this is a waste of time…

While you’re here, maybe I’ll tell you why this sucks

Poetry is so RESTRICTIVE

Don’t even get me started…

It makes me feel a tad vindictive

Writing a poem is a struggle

Even reading one doesn’t make sense

And the poems we “analyze” (more like make up meanings for) in English class…

Edgar Allen Poe, where did you think you were you going with this?

I must stop with this nonsense

It makes me want to throw my phone across my room

Punch a hole in the wall

Make myself a tomb

I am truly sorry if this sucks

My sincere apologies if it’s bad

But I seem to lack the proper inspiration

Probably because this stuff makes me mad.

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