A strange creature gets caught in a fisherman’s net on the night of a full moon…
Write a highly descriptive sci-fi scene about what the fisherman finds.
The Hell-Fish
He heard the waves wash over the landscape below. The full moon lit up half of his body, his left side. The shine on the calm sea was soft, sparkling. “Well, I suppose now is a good time to leave.” He rowed the boat with a weared-down oar. When his boat hit the soft sand, he stepped out on the dusty landscape. He pulled his net out of the sea. Against all the gray scales though was a large black shape. It wriggled among the others as if mimicking. He picked it up. A sharp pain went through his veins. (May affect sensitive readers) He looked at his cut hand. Blood was everywhere. He sighed. The creature had glassy sharp scales, black skin, and beady glowing red eyes. I looked like a fish from hell. It opened its mouth, showing razor-sharp teeth, sharper than a shark's. Then it let out a whimpering sound. Its two little fins and tail flapped helplessly. He wondered what was wrong. Maybe it missed its home. He set it back in the ocean. It made a little shaking motion, pointing to the fish. “Oh I can’t do that,” he pointed to a sign a little far off with the word ‘FISHERMAN’ on it. It whimpers again. A tear sparkled against the hell-fishes scales. He looks down at the net again. Then he grabs it and cuts it open with his jack knife. Then he sets the fish back into the ocean. Then he smiles at the hell-fish. “What's your name little one?” he knew it wouldn't answer. It was a fish. As he walked away, he sweated he heard someone say “Obsidian”.
~Love y'all 💖~