

Dear diary,

I’m sorry, I feel the need to apologize right off the bat because I probably won’t be keeping track of this but let’s give it a try.

I’ve never owned a diary in my life, but I’ve started seeing a therapist and she’s told me to start keeping a diary because my memory issues worry her. It would worry me as well if I hadn’t been living like this for what seems like my entire life.

I wonder if she’ll look through this at all? Ah, let me shut up and introduce myself to you!

Hello, diary, my name is Ella, I’m 20 years old and I… don’t remember much about my life? I don’t have memories from like 9 years and under… though, even the memories past 9 are hardly there. So let’s find out who I am, I guess.




Dear diary,

Ugh! The pain I’m in is so unbelievable! Work was a literal nightmare! I’m so tired, but I’m glad I stayed up to write in this diary, I mean… I’m tryna keep a streak going, ya know? Goddamn.

Uh I actually don’t know what to tell you? Hm. You know, I keep tryna think about my past but nothing really comes to me, it’s just bits and pieces. The dark, a park, my mom? Ah. Maybe I shouldn’t worry about it.

But isn’t this why my therapist wants me to keep a diary? Well, maybe not to dig up my past. Hm. Maybe I should ask if she could hypnotize me, sometimes it’s frustrating not being able to remember.

Ah well, whatever. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day, work shouldn’t be terrible. Or maybe it will, who knows? Who cares. I’m so tired…

Did I eat?


Well, peace,



Dear diary,

Shrug emoticon here?

Maybe tomorrow…

I’m so tired. Heh. You… don’t care about that, I’m sorry.

I wonder what you’d say to me if you could talk?

Probably “what is this dumb broad doin? Can’t even spell, terrible grammar, woe is me bitch”

Well, that was amusing.



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