Stupid Rabbit!

(By the way, sorry that this is late, and I may add more in the future, but I wanted to go ahead and share this, so enjoy!)

“I should’ve never gone down that rabbit’s dumb hole…without a flashlight!” Misty groaned as she slowly descended into the dense, thick darkness of the obnoxiously long tunnel. It had been DAYS since Misty had seen that warmth and friendliness that was the light of the sun and stars, and, minor detail, she was STARVING! “Like, seriously, how could anyone make a stupid tunnel this stupidly LONG?!” She complained to the darkness. But, of course, the darkness, who always has an air of smugness about it, ignored her and kept circling slowly to the rhythm of its silence. Misty stuck her tongue out at it and just kept saying how hungry and bored she was, until… THUMP! “Ow!” She screeched, hitting her tailbone hard on the seemingly dirt floor of the hole. The darkness just snickered and floated up and away, trailing a path of snickers behind it.

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