‘Where there once was softness, now all had turned to stone'

Write a poem which closes with this line.

I Used To

I used to listen

I used to hear

But now I can’t see clear

Life is a blur

I used to be kind

I used to be nice

But now I’m cold as ice

Hard as rock

I used to cry

I used to be sad

But now I’m mad

Anger pulsing through my veins

I used to know who you were

I used to love you

But now you are nothing too

The person I now am

I used to smile

I used to be happy

But that was crappy

Left behind trash

I used to be your friend

Possibly more

But now you are as good as a sore

I don't feel that feeling anymore

I used to be loved

I used to be your star

But that feeling is now char

Its just something you have to deal with

I used to love

I used to cry

But that old me, she will die

Where there once was softness

Now all had turned to stone

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