Submitted by amber35.xx

When you died you were meant to turn up at heaven’s gates, but instead you arrived at the gates of hell. You have to stay until things are set right, but you are starting to enjoy it in hell...

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Okay so I saw this prompt a while ago and I started writing this, but since I saw it again I’ll give you a sneak peak lol.

“But, but this is hell.” I whispered. I could feel my skin burning from the heat of this underworld. The original destination was the golden gates outside of heaven.

“Sorry kid. It seems your good deeds sucked!” Flame laughed maniacally.

I guess that bad deed was too horrible, too awful for heaven. I need to get out of here. I thought as I slowly walked towards the fiery pits of hell.

I have absolutely no clue on what to call this. If you have any ideas you can tell me. (I can and will give you credit!)

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