Hungry For Blood 

Kiana's green eyes blazed with a burning fury that could put her unruly red locks to shame., her grip on her sword tightened until her knuckles turned white. Harlem, her features set in a grim line and her blonde hair braided in preparation for a battle long awaited ,mirrored the intensity, her own weapon drawn and ready. She had been waiting for this opportunity for far too long. Ever since the king of their lands was assassinated, and Kiana had been proven to be the mastermind behind the entire ordeal. Of course, the coward had immediately gone into hiding, but she should have known she couldn’t outrun Harlem forever.

"Your blade may be sharp, Harlem, but it will never taste victory!" Kiana spat out the words, each one laced with venom.

Harlem's response was a guttural growl as she lunged forward, her blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. ‘’ Some nerve you have! You fucking traitor!’’

Kiana sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the strike, and countered with a vicious swipe aimed at Harlem's head. Metal clashed against metal, sending sparks flying into the night. ‘’ oh, Harlem. Such a naïve little girl. I didn’t kill the king. I simply took the actions to get the job done,’’ she said with a malice grin, regaining her stance and repositioning her sword. That was all Harlem needed to hear. No more talking. She smiled back at Kiana, for she knew that she would have her head soon enough.

The fight escalated quickly. Their swords moved faster than the eye could follow. Kiana's anger fueled her attacks, each one more ferocious than the last. She was a whirlwind of fury. Her blade sought Harlem's flesh with a relentless drive.

Harlem fought back with equal ferocity. Her defense was as impenetrable as stone. She parried and dodged, her sword a blur as she fought to find an opening in Kiana's onslaught. The women were locked in a dance of death, their movements a deadly mix of aggression and skill.

With a roar, Kiana unleashed a series of strikes, each one more powerful than the last. Harlem was forced back. Her boots dug into the earth as she struggled to keep up. But in her eyes, there was no fear, only the cold determination of a hunter stalking her prey.

In a moment of sheer brutality, Kiana's sword found its mark, cutting a deep gash across Harlem's arm. Blood spurted onto the ground, staining the forest floor Crimson. Harlem hissed in pain but did not falter. Instead, she used Kiana's momentary satisfaction to launch a counterattack.

Their swords smashed together again with a groan like thunder. The force of the impact reverberated through the woods. Kiana's arm shook from the collision, but she pressed on, driven by a rage that seemed to consume her very soul.

The battle raged on, neither willing to yield. With each passing second, the likelihood of death loomed larger. They were no longer just fighters; they were warriors hungry for blood.

As the fight reached its climax, Harlem saw her chance. Kiana, blinded by anger, left herself open. With a vicious series of spins and a monstrous roar, Harlem's blade pierced Kiana's heart. The light in Kiana's eyes flickered and died, her body convulsing and collapsing to the ground with a thud that seemed to silence the forest itself.

Harlem stood over Kiana, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. ‘’ Nice try, bitch!’’ She snarled, her expression one of fury and victory. With a sinister smile and a twinkle in her eye, she stared up at the night sky. ’’ Her wits were no match to my blade, King,’’ she said softly, before spitting on the body of her enemy and triumphantly sheathing her sword. With her chin held high, Harlem turned to walk away from the forest – not so much as giving Kiana a second glance.

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