'In your arms, I found my home.'
Use this line to close a romantic poem in any style.
For Now
I don’t admit it but
Here I am
for now
Like a little boy
With arrested development
Wandering back to you
Your embrace
Are you laughing at me
I stumble at the sight
Of your beauty
I’m immature
with unrealistic boundaries
You’re too old for me
But beautiful
The looks, the looks
Old Aunt Eve warned me about
I went for the looks
You’re smart and wise
You have money
Lots of it and I don’t.
You travel a lot
A great career
Are we moving to Maui
addicted to dreaming
Where are my boundaries
Your reprimands hurt
You’re self-centered
I compose myself
It’s my infatuation
It’s my insecurity
It’s my not believing
It’s my lack of courage
Even though, I know
This will never work
And is only
Very, very
In you’re arms
I found my home
(for now)