If silence had a scent, it would be beyond what human words could describe. The scent particles reach those small nerve endings inside the human nostrels only to be detected. Detected at such a delicate level. You know there’s something to be fully realized but can’t put it into words, but remain silent beyond the 10 second rule. Thus, we have the scent of silence.
Beneath the surface or the surface beneath. More than meets the eye, or ear, the one that hears best. It’s between the lines. What they are saying. Multiple meanings, each word has. Words are like legos, put them together. The ones that fit, to say and reach far. It’s block by block, how this will get done. Build your structure, beneath the surface. Big or small, how it’ll get done. Say this again, now, faster-flowing thoughts. How you build, for good or evil, many options here. But, it must have purpose. That’s the key. And, beneath the surface, Is where it really counts. Now, all you have to do, If you really listen, with your heart is… Well, I think you know.
Slowly coming to her senses and into the foreground, the revolving sound of an emergency siren echoed off the small pods walls.
Riley, barely conscious from her long hypersleep, estimated it had probably been going off for the past 36 hours. Her hypersleep tube was already opened.
She began to lift herself up slowly and saw that the hypersleep tube next to her’s was damaged. Like something had violently broke through the glass. The corpse of her partner became a dried corpse. Probably been dead for 50 years.
She learned from the nearby screen that her pod, on autopilot, docked at an abandoned intergalactic outpost a very long time ago. The outpost’s shape resembled a massive double-sided spinning top toy that hovered above Io’s orbit. (Io, one of Jupiter’s moons).
She also learned that she had been in hyper- sleep for the past 140 years. The alarm was 137 years too late. The rest of the pods functions had failed years ago.
Why was her alarm going off now?
She would have to venture into the abandoned outpost and get answers
Distant memories of having done this before started to return.
Who or what would she find?
…to be continued.
I’ve started attending this university as a freshman while he’s been here a long time. As my new roommate, he doesn’t ask me questions about myself but I recognize him immediately.
He talks a lot. Mostly about his job at the local pizza shop and shows me pictures of a few celebrities who have visited.
He doesn’t know that I’m that high school freshman who “beat him up” after school six ago. And him being a junior, was embarrassing (for him). He was mean to me and had it coming.
So much time has passed since then. Best not to bring it up. He’s changed and so have I.
“So, who’s going to die today?” yelled the boss as if we deserved to be reprimanded. He was cowered behind the rock having already felt the unexpected sting of being shot in the leg with a paintball and was really “pissed-off.”
I’m still a new employee and this was meant to be a fun Saturday company event. Last Friday afternoon, the boss himself insisted we all show up the following morning in San Diego, an hour drive, and participate. Talk about very last minute. This guy probably doesn’t have any friends. I missed my daughter’s softball game for this?
He’s done this before but, I’m told, has never gotten this mad. He didn’t like the fact that he got disqualified from the first two rounds of paintball so quickly. He still doesn’t know it was me but a co-worker, who’s been at the company a long time and in the field with me, saw me do it.
Now in the third round, I’ve let things go on a little longer. I’ve already got him in the back of the leg within the first minute. The other co-workers, now scattered behind various trees and brush, saw me do it.
This is way too easy. I’ve got him in my crosshairs again. This time I get him in the left shoulder. He curses profusely, singling me out.
He now commands everyone else to begin hunting me. All of a sudden lots of paint balls are being fired in my direction. I manage to escape but get hit multiple times without getting disqualified.
Over the next 30-minutes, I take out each co-worker one-by-one.
Now it’s his turn. Do I put him down? My trigger finger is ready.
I wait.
He spots me and is about to shoot me. I aim between his eyes.
Getting fired Monday morning is now my choice.
“I was just trying to be what you wanted.” He replied in his own defense standing out on the street in the pouring rain.
Even more furious, she glared at him ready to strike. “Go be with her!” She snapped with a smirk then almost stumbled in a drunken stupor. “You’re using me!”
“I didn’t do anything! You’re drunk again. This has nothing to do with me.” He replied wiping the water from his face and hair. “I love you! And besides, you’re mad about something else.”
He noticed all his clothes and toiletries had been dumped out on the porch and bushes. With no car and nowhere to go in this new city far from the familiar, he would have to keep his cool and be extremely patient and get her talking, yet again. But this time, without interrupting. Even if it took all night.
There it is! I’ve finally made it. Zzyzx Road.
Damn! The ground is scorching hot. I can handle it though. If I follow this dirt road, they said I’d find the best and biggest abandoned watering hole in the Mojave Desert known to insect, just short of Vegas. And that I wouldn’t want to leave.
On foot, the road went on forever.
A week later, I came upon a huge crucifix-shaped neglected but half-filled pool that appeared crumbled under the desert sun. Shade covered part of it. A few other insects like me were lounging around along the waterline in the shade as if they’d found a paradise. An abundance of insect-water and food. Arrogance was in the air. I could tell they had been here a long time.
Looks like there’s no humans around and my new neighbors don’t seem to mind. I’m going to be here for a long time.
I don’t know how they, Hades, Ares and Kakia, those evil ancient gods, found me but they did! And their monsters are probably a half-day’s journey behind. Because we are going in circles, I can smell them.
Those evil gods must be begging permission from Zeus himself for free reign inorder to challenge me more directly. Probably to stop me, a mortal, from reaching the underworld. That must be why they haven’t appeared yet.
He doesn’t notice my presence from behind the bushes. Hades’ stupid three-headed hound, Cerberus, who is supposed to be guarding the underworld has picked up my scent from this morning and heads into the opposite direction.
I’ve got to double-back a third time if I’m to sneak into the underworld and steal the source of their power, a small red glowing stone, before it’s too late.
(…to be continued)
Out of all days, I picked this one to wear my new Tommy Bahama shirt and these cheap dollar store flip-flops. And I forgot my umbrella.
I have 20-seconds to get out of my car and cross this large parking lot to surprise everyone with coffee and donuts at my 6 a.m. AA meeting before it starts.
Again! I’m scared. My body reacts with a sudden jolt. Another echoing and vibrating “B-O-O-M-M-M!” sound could be heard for miles as if a bomb went off.
Another “BOOM!” A more sharp scratchy bomb sound this time but much closer.
I’ve gotta compose myself and do this quick.
This was to be expected. It’s still dark outside and those strong tropical winds up from Mexico, mentioned a few days ago on the news, are now here push-tilting my old car to one side. Breaching the window-ends with a whistling sound. We’ve never had such weather in this desert region of Southern California.
Thousands of rain drops begin to machine-gun pelt the roof and hood.
It’s a good thing I didn’t park next to those tall trees or that single light pole at the center of this church lot.
Ugh! It’s now time to exit this vehicle and dart across theparking lot without slipping on the asphalt and spilling this hot coffee.
I don’t admit it but Here I am for now
Like a little boy With arrested development Wandering back to you
Your embrace Are you laughing at me
I stumble at the sight Of your beauty I’m immature with unrealistic boundaries You’re too old for me But beautiful
The looks, the looks Old Aunt Eve warned me about I went for the looks
You’re smart and wise You have money Lots of it and I don’t. You travel a lot A great career
Are we moving to Maui addicted to dreaming Where are my boundaries Your reprimands hurt You’re self-centered
I compose myself It’s my infatuation It’s my insecurity It’s my not believing It’s my lack of courage
Even though, I know This will never work And is only Very, very Temporary In you’re arms I found my home (for now)