Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.

"It was all becoming real."

Use this as the closing line of a poem in any style.

The End?

I always thought it was you and me

But why are we now looking at different faces

I never thought there would be someone better for you

But why are you so much happier with those strangers

We used to make fun of?

Even though I am crying alone

Looking at our pictures -

Pictures of the girls

Who looked like twins

And even felt like it

But how?

How is it possible that times can change so drastically?

Ones we were inseparable

Now just some “we used to be close” friends

We sweard

Best friends till the end

But suddenly the end seems so close

Because how else, should I explain

You there

But me here

Our memories united

But our future separated

Separated like dreams and reality

Like water and ice

Just the same

But different

In every way you could look at it

I never could have imagined

A life,

Or even a day without you

By my side

But now


When the end is coming closer

The nights are getting longer

The days shorter

just like our conversations

It was all becoming real

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