Submitted by by Laura Melvin

"I think I just met the happiest person in the world!"

Write a scene or story which begins with this piece of speech.


“I think I just met the happiest person in the world” I complained as I rolled my eyes. “And why are you upset about this?” A stranger says, smiling from ear to ear. His golden caramel skin glistens in the sunlight, his wavy dirty blonde hair bounces with every step he takes. “I- I mean some people are just too happy sometimes” I say trying to keep myself composed. “There’s no such thing as too happy” he exclaims. His ocean blue eyes sucked me in, I feel like I’m drowning, drowning in a good way. I finally escape his trance, scoff, turn around, and try to walk to the coffee shop across the street. Coffee is my priority right now, not some random stranger. “Wait!” I hear from behind. I turn back around and see him running after me. “What? I’m trying to get coffee before they close.” I say. “You uh, you dropped this” he utters, handing me a piece of thin paper. “Oh thank you..” I say as I turn back around heading towards the shop. “Wait! Excuse me!” I hear a few feet back. I turn around this time annoyed because the shop might close. “What do you want.” I call out. “I never got your name” he whimpers with puppy dog eyes. “Callie” I say rolling my eyes with a slight grin, still holding the paper in my hands. It doesn’t even cross my mind to ask him his name. I think about my well deserved coffee. I shove the paper into my pocket, turn around for the last time, and rush towards Luke’s coffee shop. As soon as my hand reaches the door handle the open sign flips to closed. “Shit” I think to myself. “It’s all that guys fault.. whatever.” I started to head towards a nearby park and I sat on a bench. I reach into my pocket to see what he had given me. I pull out a folded piece of paper. “Hmm, seems unfamiliar”. I unfold the paper, and written on it, in sloppy handwriting says “Sorry you didn’t get to get your coffee.. can I make it up to you? Meet me at Luke’s tomorrow at 3:30.” My cheeks got hot and my face got red and suddenly I started smiling. I look at the bottom of the paper and in little letters is says “p.s. I’ll make you feel true happiness”. I shiver with chills and lust overcomes my emotions. “We’ll see about that” I say to myself smiling as I start my journey home.

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