
I tried to say farewell,

but I didn't speak his language.

I searched for ways to say 'don't leave',

but I didn't speak his language.

I browsed the world; its lands and seas

to web with lies the truths I hid.

Then hid my tongue behind my teeth,

and said I got no tongue

but showed my teeth;

he saw I lied, but didn't know

there was a tongue, he didn't see

a trail of lies I web and hid,

a trail of truths I couldn't speak;

and said I didn't speak his language.

I dig a hole, my mouth won't work,

ran out of words, they're underneath

the tongue I hid, he didn't know.

I tried to say farewell,

I tried to search for ways so he won't leave

but I didn't speak his language:

He heard me said Goodby instead.

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