well murder win
Write a story or poem using these three random words
Dead (but not really)
Well, to be honest, I kind of expected a situation like this when I woke up this morning. It just felt like one of these days where you would rather stay at home and avoid conflict because you knew nothing would go your way. Obviously I did not expect this exact situation because how could I have guessed that? But something similar? Just as bad when it came to the consequences?
Sure. Why not? I mean, hey, my life had been turning into a living hell for the last few weeks but something had been missing to make this disaster complete! So why not add murder to the stuff I have to deal with?
I stared at the corpse and thought about what I could possibly do to turn this disaster into a win for me.
Having a dead body in my living room was definitely not ideal. Especially because said dead body was murdered with one of the trophies I was so proud about. Putting them on display like that certainly did not seem as good of an idea now.
I sighed and closed my eyes. My feet hurt and the headache I had gotten rid of decided to come back stronger than before. I was exhausted.
A buzzing sound made me turn around and grab the phone I had left on the dinner table on my way in.
”Hello?“ I answered.
“Okay, I know this doesn‘t look good but I swear I can explain!“ he said. I groaned and rolled my eyes.
“Josh, if you killed this man in my living room and just left him here because you didn‘t want to deal with the paper work, I swear to God, I will end you.“
He was quiet for a few moments. With everything he put me through I felt like a second death was the only outcome. This time final.
No second rising in the foreseeable future.
”I panicked!“ he whined. “Jin, he attacked me! I was defending myself! I thought I was going to die!“
“Unprovoked? Why would a human do that? And what where you doing in MY living room?“
“...I didn‘t want to bring him to my flat because Fluffy‘s staying there right now. And you know how she feels about humans.“ he answered and yeah, alright, Fluffy should definitely not be around humans after that situation ten years ago.
Still didn‘t explain why he was meeting this guy and what exactly happened. I told him as much and he continued.
“We met at the shed and I thought he was one of us, you know. He said he could get me a toe if I wanted to complete my set but he needed a secure place to make the calls so I brought him to your place!“
“And then he attacked you?“ I asked and took a closer look at the body, pushing his sleeves up to see his wrists.
And there it was. The tattoo.
Dead guy was a Zombie Hunter.