
I’m face to face with the men who killed my family. The fury and anger spiraling through my body I begin to shake. Finally, this is what I wanted. This is what I was working for. My body is trembling and I have a manic smile across my face. My eyes wide staring at the men in front of me. Tiliting my head to the side a bit. I’m itching to make them feel everything I felt. To make them pay for hurting my family. The men don’t move keeping still and keeping their eyes on me. I crack my neck to release a bit of the thrill I’m feeling right now. My eyes turning black. All the light out of them.

“Calm down Sora,” Elia says from behind me.

I can’t turn to look at her. I’m fixated on the men in front of me. Without much thought I lunge toward them. Their screams bringing me delight. You see this mom and dad. This is for you. For all the pain they made you both go through. This is for you Elle and Val. They took your lives with no remorse and I’ll take theirs mercilessly.

Finally the thrill and adrenaline has stopped running through my body. My eyes turning back to there normal clear blue color. I take a breath looking up at the sky. I did it. I finally did what I was working towards. I finally avenged my family. I turn around to look for Elia. She’s gone?

I suddenly heard a rustle in the bushes in front of me. I walk over and see her hunch over trembling. I reach for her. “Eli-“ I was shaking but she pulled back from my grasp.

She looked at me terror all over her face. Her body trembling with fear as she took steps away from me and shook her head.

“Hey what happened?” I asked.

“Stay there,” she shook her head fighting the tears from her eyes. I tried to reach out to her but she jumped back,”Please!”

I didn’t move and raised my hands in surrender. She slowly fell down to her knees trying to catch her breath. She was crying the tears falling down her red pink cheeks. I just watched her. She shouldn’t have seen me in that state. I shouldn’t have let my emotions get the best of me.

“Elia I’m sorry,” I whispered afraid if I speak to loud she may jump back frighten.

She sniffled shaking her head,”I love you, but your powers are too strong…they scare me.”

I wanted to reach out to her but I knew I couldn’t. She watched what I was doing. I was blinded by my desire to avenge my family I didn’t think about what she would watch.

She stood abruptly and dusted her hands off on her leather pants. “I’m going for a walk,” she said.

“I’ll go with-“

“No. I’m going alone. I can’t look at your right now,” she breathed and walked away. Avoiding eye contact with me as she left. I watched her walk away.

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