Submitted by Joey
The phone rings, and it's the last person you'd expect...
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A Voice From Beyond
I groan as I lift my head to grab my phone. I see the time as the screen come to life.
“Who the hell is calling at 2 a.m.?” I mumble grumpily as I check the caller ID. My eyes widen as I notice what it says. I bolt to an upright position and hit the answer button.
“Abby?” I say into the phone in an almost hushed tone.
“Kimmy! Oh thank God you answered! Listen I don’t have much experience time so please just listen.”
“Abby,” I say my throat tightening. Tears stream down my eyes. “Abby, baby, is that really you?”
“Yes it is! Now just listen to me! I need you help. Do you remember that creepy town we went through a year ago? The one that had all those creepy ass scarecrows?”
“Abby, baby, I thought you were dead! Where have you been?” I ask, completely ignoring her. “It doesn’t matter! Kimmy just listen to me! I need you to get to that creepy town now! There is…. Oh my God.”
Abby goes silent.
“Abby? Abby are you still there? Hello Abby?!”
“They found me. Oh shit! They found me! Shit, shit, shit!”
“Abby what’s going on? Who’s they! Abby?!”
I hear a scuffle over the phone and Abby screams.
I hear a sudden thump and all goes quiet. Tears stream down my face as I try to control my bladder.
“ABBY!” I scream into the phone. Nothing. Until I hear a scraping over the phone like someone just picked it up.
“Hello?” I ask cautiously into the phone. I take a breath. “Please don’t hurt my friend! I don’t have much but I will give you all I have if you just let my friend go. Hello? Is anybody there? Hello?”
I hear heavy breathing on the other end.
A menacingly calm, gruff voice talks into the phone.
“If you come for the girl… we’ll kill you too.”
Then he hung up.
I looked down at my phone through blurry eyes. My body shaking uncontrollably. What the hell just happened? Who the hell was that? What was Abby doing in that town? Why are they going kill her? What the hell am I going to do?
I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I splashed cold water onto my face as I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself, “What are you going to do Kimberly?”
But I already knew.
Without a second thought, I ran out of the bathroom, slipped on my running shoes, grabbed my keys, and ran out the door, forgetting that I was still in my pj’s. I didn’t care though.
I was going to save my girlfriend by any means necessary, no matter how scared I was. I would save Abby and I would tell her I was sorry and that I loved her.
As I got into my car, turning it on, I muttered something that made me more anxious then I already was.
“Creepy Town, here I come.”