Write a story where the first line is advice to the reader.
Depending on the direction you want to take the story in, it can be mundane, simple advice or the wackiest one you can think of!
Little Demons
Never ever under any circumstances trust a smiling toddler. Yeah I know they look all cute and innocent almost like they could run the world on that smile. It's a facade.
The most fakest thing you will ever see is that smile. They come out the woodworks like everything is fine and dandy look so sweet going "I love you mommy." When behind them the kitchen is so destroyed you don't even recognize it.
If they are clapping and smiling or saying "yay" just kiss your sanity goodbye and pray that you can fix whatever is broke. If it's your sanity I'm sorry it won't ever be replaced.
Now don't get me wrong there is a 1% chance that they are being actual sweet angels and didn't do anything at all. There is a chance they just want to show you love and affection in the best way possible. Just remember though it's a small chance and very unlikely.
Why do you think there is always so strict rules with toddlers. Don't leave the cabinets open, make sure that there is a baby gate up to keep them out of danger. It's more like to keep them from destroying your house.
Oh and enjoy your sweet places of safety cause once they learn to open gates and doors it's all over. Just never trust a toddlers smile.