"Guard this with your life, understand?"

Write a story, in any genre, that includes this piece of speech.

Mystic Galaxy

It’s a Friday night and Ned and I have all the candy and sodas my mom would let us take up. Plus a few fun size bags of chips I snuck up while hacking up a lung. A beautiful piece of acting if I do say so myself. We are over halfway through our campaign of The Mystic Galaxies.

Ned has been the game master since the time we could read. I’ve never had the knack for creating stories that he has but fortunately Ned also plays since its only the two of us.

“Yonae the mystic forms in the mist and states in her all knowing voice “know this traveler, only one of a pure heart or a crafty mind can make it through the Vale of the Dusk”” Ned croaks in a muffled almost ethereal voice.

My character is a space cadet dressed up in a similar outfit to Starlord. Wearing a Burgundy leather jacket with navy blue canvas pants and a tool belt with an assortment of tools. He has a cyborg style mask with a single slit that radiates his red light and a phaser style hand gun. He is the ideal crafty galaxy merchant with a high level of intelligence.

“Due to your high intelligence its more likely you make it through the vail using a crafty method. You need a 12 or higher to make it through the Vale that way or an 18 to make it through based on honor due to your neutral alignment.” Ned informs me.

“What can I do to ensure we both make it through the Vale?” I say through nervous teeth. Neds character is a space marauder with low intelligence and an evil alignment. It’s very unlikely he can continue the quest with me, which would make the game less exciting.

“There may be a way” Intones Ned in deep thought as he flips through his artifacts. “Back in the Galaxy Montrose I acquired an Orb of Micro Space. It allows a user to be inserted into a Micro Space and carried for a short duration of time. By my calculations you need to roll an exact 20 for this to work.” Ned says in the most serious of tones.

We can’t afford a setback like this if we are to complete the campaign before school starts, so it now or never. “Do you trust me Daga?” Neds character name.

Ned stares at me with thoughtful eyes while mimicking the face of a scoundrel. “Big words coming from a Hustler” He says in a thuggish tone.

“It’s about time you took a chance instead of letting me do all the heavy lifting” I reply.

Ned stares at me for a long time. I can’t help but scoot closer to him in anticipation. I can almost feel the cool mist of the Vail as we determine the fate of our adventure. It’s possible I don’t even roll a 20 and we lose.

“Ok. Guard this with your life, understand? Ned says with intense eyes. I can feel the power of his character through them.

“Have you made your decision?” Says Yonae the Mystic. It’s now or never. With shaky hands I give the die a roll. It spins across the board as we both lean over in anticipation. It begins to slide with the number 14 up. I’m practically on top of the table in suspense. Luckily the die catches the edge of the board and flips one last time. I can’t see the die as it’s just slid behind Ned’s soda and I stare at him in anticipation.

Ned stand and places his hands on top of each other across his chest as if they were hidden within a robe as he begins in the voice of Yonae. “Traveler. It seems you have chose the most dangerous of routes. To carry another is no simple task, especially through the Vale. It will test your mettle in every way and you may be found wanting.” Ned pauses for effect and I can feel my heart pounding as I squeeze the table for life. “It seems the Galaxy is beginning to move again. I look forward to seeing what you and your companion are able to do if you make it through the Vale. You may pass.” At this Ned slides over his soda to reveal a perfect 20.

I did it! Adventure awaits us on the other side of the Vale.

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